09 Mar 2023 | Articles
How is the mental health of the workers?
Most adults spend more time working, or looking for work, than anything else. Even so, many of them have a neutral relationship, that is, neither good nor bad with their work, seeing it as a simple means of survival or an obligation.
People can’t always find joy and fulfillment from their work, of that we all know. But what can we say when a significant number of adults have exhibited symptoms of mental disorders as a result of their relationship with work?
According to a recent report in Veja Saúde, it is estimated that the cost of mental disorders in the world is 3 trillion dollars (Brazil’s GDP is around 1.6 trillion a year), attributed to loss of productivity, as well as depressive symptoms, anxiety, burnout syndrome, and alcohol abuse.
Also according to the survey, among the professional categories surveyed in Brazil, that of teachers drew attention. After the pandemic, 48% felt more tired, 60% reported worsening anxiety, and 33% thought about taking time off work due to emotional problems.
Mental health care in the workplace needs to be taken seriously. It is necessary to improve the way we communicate, deal with conflicts and the stress of demands, set limits, and appreciate enjoyment and rest. Then, perhaps, the work can become more inspiring. The mental health of the workers should not only be guided by the effects on the balance sheets of the companies, but, above all, by the well-being of the employees and the very survival of the organizations.